General Election: Reform UK is "the party for the people" says North Bedfordshire candidate

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The Reform UK candidate for North Bedfordshire said the country is in a terrible state, but that her party can fix it.

Pippa Clayton added that she’s pleased Nigel Farage has come out of retirement as he’s “the best party leader” and only Reform has “common sense” policies.

The former nurse said: “Not enough has been done about immigration over the last 14 years.

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“It’s really the boats coming across the Channel that is the biggest concern for most people.

Pippa Clayton. Photo supplied by candidate.Pippa Clayton. Photo supplied by candidate.
Pippa Clayton. Photo supplied by candidate.

“If Reform UK is elected we will be upsetting the French by turning the boats back.

“They’ve been given loads of money by our government, but I’m not sure what they’ve done with it.

“We do need to do as the Australians did, and have a points-based system and only bringing in the people that we need.

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“But then some people say that we’re pinching their doctors and nurses from other countries.

“But I’m afraid to say that we’ve done that for years, although some come here to further their studies and choose to stay.”

Ms Clayton also has her eye on the NHS, which she said has changed since she retired six years ago

“For a start, we now have diversity and equality managers, and I think they’re earning about £130k,” she said.

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“And when I was in nursing the IT people setting up the systems were earning more than the nurses.

“I felt that was wrong.

“The NHS needs to cut back on wastage because there’s far too much,” she said.

Ms Clayton believes that Reform UK is the “serious alternative” to the established two-party system.

“We’re the party for the people,” she said.

“There’s lots of problems out there and we’ve got a common sense approach to them.

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“If elected I’m going to make myself available for the people of North Bedfordshire.

“I’ve already picked up quite a lot of local issues on the doorstep to take forward.

“I believe I will be a good choice, and I want to be a voice for all in North Bedfordshire and represent it fairly and honestly.

“Reform UK is the party for real people,” she said.

Other candidates standing for election in North Bedfordshire are:

Philippa Flemming – GreenRichard Fuller – ConservativeUday Nagaraju – LabourJoanna Szaub-Newton – Lib Dem

The election will take place on July 4.

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