General Election: Independent candidate for Bedford says country needs "stringent" immigration policy

Javed Tarek Photo supplied by the candidateJaved Tarek Photo supplied by the candidate
Javed Tarek Photo supplied by the candidate
The Independent candidate to be Bedford’s next MP said the country needs a “stringent immigration policy” as there isn’t the infrastructure to support illegal immigration.

Javed Tarek said: “Legal immigration is good for the country to a certain degree.

“But I think illegal immigration has caused a lot of problems for the country and for Bedford.

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“We don’t have the infrastructure to support it, so [if elected] I will do my utmost best to deter illegal immigration.

“[Such as] asking embassies to process legit asylum claims overseas by putting in more workers at these embassies and high commissions.

“Or working with foreign governments, especially if they’re on the foreign aid programme, and use some of their money to police our borders so we can deter this illegal immigration and stop these gangs properly.

“I would work with local farmers and other people where immigration does help so we can produce a number that we would allow in.

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“Like the summertime when people are needed and have some stringent laws so that they do actually return to their native country after the contract finishes,” he said.

Tarek was asked if this included working more closely with France to stop people crossing the Channel.

“Personally, I don’t think France is doing enough, whether it has anything to do with Brexit and they want to see us fail,” he said.

“We do pay them a lot of money, but I don’t see enough progress being done on the French side, so I’ll be looking to address that issue.

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“Even try to get our boys over there and to patrol the beaches and to patrol their shores to deter people from getting into these boats,” he said.

If elected Tarek would also look to reduce NHS waiting times and recruit more police officers.

“I would like to go back to bobbies on the beat, community policing, more visible policing,” he said.

“I would like to cut down [NHS] waiting times, getting people diagnosed with problems at an earlier stage rather than a later stage.

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“And also have a few drop-in centres to alleviate some of the problems the NHS are facing at the moment until we actually do bring the waiting list. down to a manageable level,” he said.

Tarek said that being an Independent MP would not prevent him from working towards these goals.

“Being an independent has a more positive side than negative as far as I’m concerned,” he said.

“I wouldn’t be. sticking to a party where there are rules and regulations, I will be battling for Bedford.

“For a better and brighter future for Bedford.

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“Obviously, everybody knows I’m not going to be in government [if elected].

“If there’s a hung parliament then they will have to talk to likes of me.

“That’s a time where we can stipulate our policies, push forward our policies and dictate what we want and what we want for [our areas].

“I will fight tooth and [nail] for funding for Bedford and direct it to the most needed areas,” he said.

The other candidates standing to be Bedford’s next MP are:

Prince Sadiq Chaudhury – Workers Party

Pinder Chauhan – Conservative

Ben Foley – Green

Matt Lansley – Reform UK

Henry Vann – Lib Dem

Mohammad Yasin – Labour

The election will be held on July 4.

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