Plans for up to 500 new homes in Great Barford are moving forward

Approximation of proposed development's boundary.  Screenshot Google MapsApproximation of proposed development's boundary.  Screenshot Google Maps
Approximation of proposed development's boundary. Screenshot Google Maps
Plans for up to 500 new homes in Great Barford are moving forward as an application for a ‘screening opinion’ has been submitted to Bedford Borough Council.

Through this screening opinion, the applicants have requested the council’s assessment as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment would need to be submitted in respect of a future outline planning application.

An Environmental Impact Assessment is to ensure that planners consider the environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to proceed with a project.

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The site on Bedford Road has been allocated for development in the Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood plans can establish general planning policies for the development and use of land in a defined area. They could specify where new homes and offices should be built, and what they should look like.

But Great Barford’s plan must still meet the needs of the wider area as set out by Bedford Borough Council’s Local Plan.

A referendum on the proposed plan was held in December 2021, and the plan was ‘made’ in January 2022.

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The Plan’s Policy H1 said the land at “Great Barford West” will be developed for residential use for a maximum of 500 dwellings and associated open space.

A development brief would still be required for the the site prior to any planning application being submitted.

More information on the screening option can be found on the council’s planning portal, reference 24/01197/EIASCR.

The planning portal states: “Comments may not be submitted at this time.

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“This type of application is either determined and there is no requirement to Consult according to Planning Legislation or we were consulted by another Determining Planning Authority or is a request for information or notification only.”

More information on the Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan can be found on Bedford Borough Council’s website.