Plans for 179 new homes in Bromham submitted to Bedford council

Screenshot of the location for proposed 179 new homes in Bromham. Source: planning submission by Kler Group LtdScreenshot of the location for proposed 179 new homes in Bromham. Source: planning submission by Kler Group Ltd
Screenshot of the location for proposed 179 new homes in Bromham. Source: planning submission by Kler Group Ltd
Plans for 179 new homes in Brohmam have been submitted to the council – but one objector has said they are “not materially different” to an application turned down in 2017.

And they added that the site is outside of the agreed neighbourhood plan.

Bedford Borough Council has received the planning application for a site described as land north of Northampton Road, Bromham.

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The applicant said the proposal for up to 179 dwellings, public open space, together with landscaping and associated infrastructure, represents a “highly sustainable form of development”.

And they said it would help towards “delivering the growth that the Development Plan for Bedford Borough envisages up until 2030 and beyond”.

The applicant said a mix of dwelling types and sizes will be provided, and 30 per cent (“up to 54 homes”), would be “affordable and policy compliant”.

Another objector stated on the council’s planning portal that the application “is not” on the village plan of 2030 or the proposed 2040 plan and is on “prime agricultural land”.

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However, the applicant said the site consists of Grade 3a and 3b agricultural land, and based on the overall wider agricultural resource in the Bedford area, the development of the site “would not result in a significant loss of best and most versatile agricultural land”.

An outline application for residential development for up to 200 dwellings,open space and associated works on the site was refused in September 2017.

The reasons for refusal included the development would result in a “residential use inappropriately located in the open countryside” and this would be “harmful to the character and appearance of the rural area”.

More information on the new application can be found on the council’s planning portal, reference 24/01026/MAO. The overall consultation date is Tuesday, July 23, 2024.