Bedford borough could have five micro energy storage facilities if plans are approved

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There could be five micro energy storage facilities in the borough of Bedford, if planning applications are approved.

Bedford Borough Council has received applications to construct and operate the units at sites across the town.

In its applications AMP Clean Energy said it is developing Battery Boxes (which is a type of Energy Storage System (ESS)) across the UK to provide a “low carbon, flexible and de-centralised source of electricity” that “benefits” local communities, businesses, and homes.

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A Battery Box imports electricity from the local electricity network when demand for electricity is low or when there are high levels of renewable energy available.

Planned Micro Energy Storage Facilities for Bedford Image: LDRSPlanned Micro Energy Storage Facilities for Bedford Image: LDRS
Planned Micro Energy Storage Facilities for Bedford Image: LDRS

It then exports that electricity back to the grid when required in periods of high demand.

AMP Clean Energy said as the UK builds more and more renewable projects, there could be more occasions when the amount of renewable electricity on the system is higher than the demand.

An ESS enables the ‘excess’ renewable electricity to be stored and used later when low carbon sources are unable to generate enough electricity.

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AMP Clean Energy said this could prevent the need to turn on fossil fuel generators and allow the UK to maximise the use of renewable power and to facilitate the UK’s transition to net-zero.

The company said the micro energy storage assets are roughly the size of two parking spaces.

Also, that it plans to develop up to 1,000 Battery Boxes in the UK over the next three years.

More information can be found on the council’s planning portal:

Abbey Fields, Elstow – 24/00996/FUL

Wentworth Drive, Bedford – 24/00998/FUL

Royle Gardens, Bedford – 24/00994/FUL

Hammond Road, Bedford – 24/00997/FUL

High View, Bedford – 24/00983/FUL

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Ben Wallace, head of development at AMP Clean Energy, said: "Over the coming years, AMP will be building over 1000 of these units across the country, with each one saving close to 5,000 tonnes of carbon, while supporting local communities’ energy networks.

"With the capacity to provide electricity to ~200 homes for 4 hours, Battery Boxes will become part of built environment in the same way substations, telephone boxes and gas kiosks have in the past."