You're nicked: Prolific Bedford shoplifter arrested after selling stolen wine to a takeaway

The  man was arrested after selling stolen wine to a takeawayThe  man was arrested after selling stolen wine to a takeaway
The man was arrested after selling stolen wine to a takeaway
Raise a glass to Bedfordshire Police after they caught one of Bedford's most prolific shoplifters who had nicked two bottles of wine.

Police caught up with the thief after he lifted two bottles of wine from Morrisons in Greenhill Street.

He was picked up on CCTV after walking to Midland Road where he entered a takeaway, the goods hidden in his jacket, and then leaving the premises with money in his hand. ,

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Members of Bedford Community Policing Team had been monitoring CCTV footage while police were attending a meeting at Bedford Borough Council when the incident was picked up.

The stolen bottles of wine sold to a takeawayThe stolen bottles of wine sold to a takeaway
The stolen bottles of wine sold to a takeaway

A PCSO posted on social media: “CCTV operators picked up one of our most prolific shoplifters entering Morrisons in Bedford town centre. He was then seen on CCTV to leave a few minutes later, and appeared to have something concealed inside his jacket.

“We had already discussed this individual at our meeting, talked about his daily shoplifting offences, and the impact he is having on the shops and businesses in the town. Once again, like in most cases, this person’s offending is motivated by drug addiction.

“I left the meeting and made my way to town to detain him.

“CCTV operators informed me he had entered one of the takeaways on Midland Road, no doubt to get rid of his stolen goods. Morrisons confirmed two bottles of wine had been stolen.

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“Just as I got to Midland Road, our thief came out of the takeaway, money in his hand and his jacket now unzipped and open.”

The PCSO said he detained the man outside the takeaway and called for assistance to make the arrest. Further enquiries were then made at the takeaway to locate the stolen wine.

He added: “A conversation then took place with the person at the takeaway about the very real prospect of being arrested for handling stolen goods. Lo and behold he then located two bottles of wine out the back of his location.

“Our thief was arrested for theft, while the man from the takeaway will be dealt with for his part in the theft. Licensing and trading standards will be notified about this location along with the other places that seem to think it’s OK to buy stuff off people who come in off the streets with goods hidden in their jackets.”