Eviction order for problem properties in Bedford town centre

Drugs and anti-social behaviour have forced the closure of this property in Bedford town centreDrugs and anti-social behaviour have forced the closure of this property in Bedford town centre
Drugs and anti-social behaviour have forced the closure of this property in Bedford town centre
Houses that were a hub for drugs and anti-social behaviour have been the subject of eviction orders following complaints from neighbours.

The properties located in Bedford town centre had prompted repeated complaints of anti-social behaviour, drug use and other criminal activities involving visitors to the address.

Bedfordshire Police said: “The Bedford Community Policing Team worked with Bedford Borough Council to evidence the activity at the addresses and we attended the evictions to provide a presence and to prevent any breach of the peace that may have taken place. Evictions took place at three addresses. Two in one block and one in a separate block.”

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They added: “These addresses have been a cause of great concern for residents due to anti-social behaviour, drug related activity, violence, and other incidents.

“We have worked closely with the council, providing them with evidence around the activity taking place which as allowed this positive action to happen today.

“We want the residents of our community to feel safe and have a good quality of life and will not tolerate the criminality and ASB being caused by a number of tenants and their associates in these addresses.”

Meanwhile a closure order was placed on another Bedford property – meaning nobody can enter the premises for the next three months, and if they do they could be arrested and prosecuted.

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The team added: “The consequences of persistent anti social behaviour and drug use can lead to a closure order on a property. In this case the location has been closed for a period of three months giving the neighbours some well needed respite and forcing the occupant to find other long term accommodation.”

A closure order is an order issued by the court that prohibits access to a premises for a period specified in the order under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.