General Election: Lib Dem Bedford and Kempston candidate will "fight tooth and nail for the constituency"

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"Overlooked Bedford" needs an independently minded MP who will fight for it, the Lib Dem candidate for next month's General Election has said.

Henry Vann said he is standing because he cares about Bedford.

“I live here, I work here, I grew up here,” he said.

“Bedford has been overlooked so often by central government, it needs somebody independent minded who is going to fight for Bedford and Kempston. And I think I would do a good job. I’m standing to be the best representative for Bedford and Kempston.

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Henry Vann Photo: Bedford Lib DemsHenry Vann Photo: Bedford Lib Dems
Henry Vann Photo: Bedford Lib Dems

“We’ve had really strong results in general elections in the past in Bedford and Kempston, and in Bedford borough more widely,” Vann said.

“It’s true though, there are 13 Labour councillors in the constituency, there are 10 Liberal Democrat councillors, three Greens and one Independent, I think, so no Conservative at all.

“And the message in this election, particularly with the Conservatives having completely crashed the country and crashed the economy, I certainly would say that the Conservatives aren’t going to win Bedford and Kempston.

“It’s not worth voting Conservative,” he said.

“Now is the time to actually make that jump and consider voting Liberal Democrats as the challenger to the Labour Party in Bedford and Kempston.”

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Vann admitted that 2015 wasn’t a good election for the Lib Dems, but added that his party’s share of the vote at the last election was the only one out of the three main parties to increase.

“We are increasing our vote share in elections and therefore a vote for us is a confident vote to challenge Labour,” he said.

Vann said he has a “broad” track record on fighting for investment, health services, rough sleeping, and the environment, amongst others.

“I’ve got that kind of track record which I would continue as the MP for Bedford and Kempston,” he said.

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“That track record and that localism of that strong local base of [Lib Dem] councillors in the constituency.

“I absolutely love Bedford and Kempston and I will fight tooth and nail for the constituency,” he said.

The other candidates standing in Bedford are:

Prince Sadiq Chaudhury – Workers PartyPinder Chauhan – ConservativeBen Foley – GreenTarek Javed – IndependentMatt Lansley – Reform UKMohammad Yasin – Labour

The election will be held on July 4.

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