Proposed solar farm near A1 and Bedford is 'essential infrastructure project'

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A proposed Solar Farm near the A1 is an "essential infrastructure project" for a clean energy supply, applicants have claimed.

Bedford Borough Council has received a planning application to construct a solar array on land to the north and south of Bushmead Road, Staploe.

The applicants said the proposed Cobholden Solar Farm, which could generate up to 49.9MW of electricity, supports the national commitment for Net Zero carbon and greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. They added that it “aligns” with the borough council’s Sustainable Development and Environmental Efficiency Strategy Action Plan through the delivery of renewable energy.

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The planning application said the site’s location is on lower quality Grade 3b agricultural land, and away from heritage assets. If approved, it is anticipated that the development would be operational for 40 years.

More information can be found on the council’s planning portal, reference 24/00858/MAF. The overall consultation expiry date is Friday, June 21, 2024.