Watch moment major Bedford drug dealer who led Capone network is nicked

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This is the dramatic moment armed police officers burst into the home of Bedford drug dealer, Reece Thandi.

Equipped with Tasers, they discovered phones and a quantity of Class A drugs and cannabis when they nicked him.

Thandi – who led the Capone drug supply network – was jailed at Luton Crown Court after pleading guilty to being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and obstructing an officer from conducting a search.

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He was caught by detectives from the Boson guns and gangs unit who used specialist technology to link him to phones being used by the gang to run their drugs line.

Reece Thandi, of Edwards Close, Shortstown, was sentenced to five years and six monthsReece Thandi, of Edwards Close, Shortstown, was sentenced to five years and six months
Reece Thandi, of Edwards Close, Shortstown, was sentenced to five years and six months

A day after the first phone was seized by police, a second line had been set up to carry on his drug supply network, because Thandi had swallowed the first line Simcard to obstruct police.

More than 170 numbers were found to have had contact with both lines.

Detective Constable Adam Geary from Boson said: “The Capone line was a major player in the daily supply of hard drugs around Bedford, so to convict one of their leaders is really pleasing.

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“We’re urging the public to do their bit in helping to put criminals such as Thandi behind bars by getting in touch with any information about drug activity in their communities.

“Any information you can give us helps us form an intelligence picture, which ultimately can lead us to arresting those involved and stopping the drugs lines from operating in that area. This in turn sees a reduction in drug related activity and associated anti-social behaviour in the affected communities, so it’s really important you do get in touch with us.”