Police probe spate of burglaries in Sharnbrook involving three men in silver Citroen

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Officers are investigating a spike in burglaries and thefts across north Bedfordshire villages.

It looks like it might involve three men in a silver/grey Citroen C3, in Sharnbrook and Souldrop and possibly further afield – with suggested links to a blue Peugeot seen in Riseley.

In a post on social media, police said: “We are pursuing lines of enquiry, but we believe there may be more victims than reports we have received. Please do report any incidents to us, no matter how small or trivial you may think they are. We need all information to put the pieces together and build a crime picture that reflects the offences happening in your area.

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“If you have seen a car matching this description, and/or males (often three males) acting suspiciously, parked up, or have seen them previously, or if you have any further information, to help us such as doorbell footage/CCTV that can help us identify the vehicles occupants, then please contact us to report FAO: Community North Rural Policing Team.”

You can either report it online or call police on 101.