Police arrest 'prolific offender' after chase through Bedford town centre

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Police arrested a "prolific offender" after a chase through Bedford on Saturday (June 22).

The man, who was wanted on recall to prison, was spotted via CCTV.

The offender tried to escape on his bike, but he was no match for the force and was "located, detained and arrested".

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A PCSO said: "This lad is a prolific offender - theft, burglary and lots more besides. He’s only just come out of prison and has already been recalled back again.

The offender is arrested. Image: Bedfordshire Police.The offender is arrested. Image: Bedfordshire Police.
The offender is arrested. Image: Bedfordshire Police.

"Thankfully, CCTV are always on the ball and spotted him again this afternoon [June 22]."

Officers tracked him moving from Allhallows to Midland Road, Grafton Road and then back on to Midland Road and into Queens Park.

The PCSO continued: "Officers drove into Queens Park but our ever watchful wanted man hopped onto his mate’s bike and cycled off into Hurst Grove.

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"I drove after him along with my colleagues PC Lambert and PC Munday. CCTV were still watching him and told me that he had cycled into a certain block of flats. I pointed the location out to my colleagues who went and conducted a search for him. Minutes later he was located, detained and arrested.

"He will be going back to prison. It won’t be for long sadly, but hopefully it will give the community some short term respite from his offending - until he is released again."