Investigation into death of two women in river in Kempston handed to coroner

Bedfordshire Police HQBedfordshire Police HQ
Bedfordshire Police HQ
The women’s next of kin have now been informed.

The bodies of two women were recovered from the River Great Ouse near Bedford after two capsized canoes were spotted.

While formal identification is yet to take place, the women’s next of kin have now been informed and the investigation into their deaths has been handed to the coroner.

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Bedfordshire Police were called at around 10.50am yesterday (Sunday, April 16) to the Weir embankment in Water Lane, Kempston, following reports of two capsized canoes.

The fire and ambulance service also attended but following searches in the river, the bodies of two women were discovered.

The deaths are being treated as non-suspicious and a file has now been passed to the coroner.

Detective Inspector Matt Inwood, from Bedfordshire Police, said: “Our thoughts and condolences are with all those impacted during this difficult time.

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“We know that a situation like this can cause huge distress to the local community. I want to reassure people that we are engaging with our partners to ensure sensible safeguards are put into place for this part of the river.”

“We are now assisting the coroner with their investigation into this tragic incident and will continue to do all we can to assist with their enquiries.”