Cyclist robbed near bridge at The Slipe in Queens Park Bedford

Police are appealing for witnessesPolice are appealing for witnesses
Police are appealing for witnesses
A cyclist was robbed of cash and bank cards after being attacked near The Slipe in Queens Park, Bedford.

The incident happened between 8.30pm and 9pm last Thursday, September 6, when the victim was approached by a gang of around six or seven black and Asian men, wearing hooded jackets. They assaulted the cyclist and before taking items from his backpack.

Detective Constable David Gordon, investigating, said: “I’m keen to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time, and who may have seen anything suspicious, to come forward. We think that there may have been dog walkers in the vicinity at the time, and would urge them to get in touch.

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“We are keen to find the people responsible to ensure they aren’t able to target others in this way.”

Anyone with any information is asked to call 101 quoting reference number 40/23083/18. Alternatively report information online by visiting or by calling Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

If you have been affected by crime the Signpost Hub offers free and confidential support to victims in Bedfordshire, whether it has been reported to police or not and irrespective of where and when the crime occurred.

Contact 0800 028 2887 or visit for further information.

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