Can you help catch masked gang who assaulted man in his own home

Police PCSO StockPolice PCSO Stock
Police PCSO Stock
A man has been assaulted with an iron bar in his home as a gang tried to carry out a burglary.

The victime was at home, in Brampton Close, Bedford, when four men tried to force open the back door.

The men, who had covered their faces, threatened the occupants of the house with an iron bar, assaulting the man.

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The incident occurred between 8.30pm and 8.55pm on Tuesday (24 May).

The offenders, who are described as all wearing dark clothing with their faces covered, are believed to have been driving a black car – possibly a Audi A4.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Suzanne Chappel said: “This was that was terrifying for the occupants and it is unacceptable that somebody was injured during this nasty incident.

“I am keen to speak to anyone who witnessed anything suspicious in the area or who has any information to assist us in finding those responsible.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Chappel on 101 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.