Consultation on proposed merger of two schools in Flitwick

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A joint preliminary consultation has been launched to gauge demand for a proposed merger of Templefield Lower School and Windmill Pre-School.

The change put forward by the governing body of Templefield and the committee for Windmill, which share a site, would require the school to lower its age range from 4-9 to 2-9 years for the start of the September 2019 term.

The proposals will not affect the age at which children are admitted into pre-school or the school’s determined admissions agreements, but would see the governing body take over the management of the pre-school.

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If the five-week consultation concludes there is an appetite for a merger, the school’s governing body and pre-school committee will then submit a request to Central Beds Council for the local authority to consider a change of age range through a statutory process.

Debbie Trivett, Templefield Lower School Headteacher, said: “A merger will have a range of benefits, including opportunities for pre-school children to utilise all of the school’s facilities; further access to early support and interventions for those children with additional needs; and access to before and after school care provision for parents of pre-school children.”

As part of the preliminary consultation process drop-ins are to be held at Templefield Lower School’s hall on:

> Thursday, October 11, from 9am to 10 am

> And Tuesday, October 16, from 5.30am to 7pm.

Further information, including how you can have your say, can be found on the school’s website at:

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Alternatively, you can write to the Chair of Governors, Mr Gary Flavell, at Templefield Lower School, Malham Close, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1AJ; or email [email protected].

Responses to the consultation are required by 3.30pm on November 6.